We are the village.

The family unit has been broken, leaving families unsupported and kids hurting.
Matthew 25:35-40 tells us what our response is:

”For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


The mission of iReach is to form a collaborative village of school administrators and board members, local government officials, local churches, mental health care professionals, and other resources for well-being, in order to reestablish and support the family structure in our community.


iReach is a selfless village, composed of community members who have all pledged to effect positive change, according to the core values of love, kindness, gentleness, patience, integrity, and honor.


iReach is determined to bring the family structure back to our community, providing it with necessary resources to support and sustain it for future success.

Every Sunday at Church

After church each week


hot meals are brought to the homeless community right here in Leavenworth, KS.
After church each week
provides familes with
& More

Woodland Village

Neighborhood Outreach
Our dedication to serving families in need set us on a mission to adopt a local, low-income neighborhood in Leavenworth - Woodland Village. God presented Pastor Orlando and our team with the opportunity to host Friday night pop ups, called Summer Daze. The impact has quite literally changed the lives of everyone involved. The simplicity of love and consistency has restored friendships, met dire family needs, and provided food to hungry bellies. We have even partnered with our local workforce center to provide employment. iReach is participating in changing the mindsets of Woodland residents from cast down to triumphant! We firmly believe - a now have the proof - that no one goes without when we all become the village… and reach!
We kicked off the summer with our first annual "Sound of Summer" event. A neighborhood outreach block party that brings community resources to the people who need them - consisting of job applications, transportation information, childcare options, housing connections, food pantry hours, on-site haircuts, and much more!
On August 3rd, 2024

99 Children

were served a hot meal, played games, had a water balloon fight, given backpacks and toys - impacting 33 families.
On August 10th, 2024


backpacks with school supplies were supplied to Woodland Village - impacting over 66 families.
Over the 9 weeks of outreach at Woodland Village we gave food to
514 People
provided resources for
156 Families
loved and encouraged
362 Children
and over
48 People
gave their lives to Jesus!
On November 23rd we had
we had the honor of giving free turkeys, boxes of Thanksgiving food, and plenty of coats and clothing to
83 Families
changing Thanksgiving for
232 Children
and sharing the loving hand of Jesus to
341 People
On Decmeber 22nd we had our
we were blessed with donations from the community to affect over
40 Families
giving a Christmas to over
132 Children
and sharing the Gospel of Jesus to
182 People

The Impact of Reaching


Summer Daze at Woodland Village has impacted me mentally, because I was - and still am sometimes in a dark place - because trust has been broken, I was molested and thrown out of a church.
Pastor O and Lady A have been on the front line in Woodland Village since I met them back in August. They loved and got to know me and my child, despite what we’ve been through. It’s been beautiful to see the difference in adults and children since they have started supporting families.
I stand here to say Pastor O found a broken family and daily we are being renewed by his kind words and his love. Their demonstration of love makes a broken family feel appreciated, worthy, and accepted— which makes people want to change.
On days I don’t want to come and depression takes over, they keep me accountable to showing up anyway. Why not follow a church family like that? Through them I have gained access to great employers, met great true worshippers, and I grow at Bible study without being judged. I am learning self-love everyday because I lost that part of myself at on point— but on August 2nd me and my sons life were changed forever. It’s not a temporary change either. God heard my prayers, and I can wake up knowing that I have a church family that supports us and has our back no matter what. I can finally say after 11 years of trials in my sons life he has an awesome church and Jesus model.


Summer Daze has impacted me and my babies by showing them that there are still is people out there that care about them.
As we saw the resources help so many families it gave us a reason to believe again and that there is still good people around. It also gave us the chance to see how good it feels to serve and give back to those in need. Finally we gained a family that loves and cares for us.


2024 was a tough one. From moving, to divorce, to struggling with my mental health. When I found Faith Walkers Outreach I found something to look forward too. When Pastor O gifted my kids with Christmas presents in a time I needed a village. It truly brought me to tears. Because of the Christmas giveaway, my babies were able to have an unforgettable Christmas & for that we will always be grateful.


My family and I have been blessed by the blessings boutique. One time my grandbaby needed formula and we were almost out. I came to church and stopped in the blessings boutique and found the exact formula she needed (she has some dietary restrictions) - enough to cover us for a couple weeks until my son got paid.

Want to serve?
Items to donate?

Thank you! We can't wait to work together.
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Email us at faithwalkers.outreach@gmail.com

Give to the Village

Your donation goes directly to food, hygiene items, school supplies, coat drives, and more.

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