we are the Jesus club on campuses

Hope at the Gathering is a relationship-driven system for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and discipling young adults in the teachings of Christ on college campuses.

pastor o's vision

On April 2, 2021, Faith Walkers Outreach began doing college ministry on the campus of Highland Community College in Highland, Kansas. Hope At the Gathering began as a small group Bible study, and grew into a campus ministry and movement! After the church’s arrival, campus exploded with students and staff, hungry for the Gospel - leading to over 1,500 salvations and over 60 baptisms. During this 3 year journey, Pastor O, First Lady Adrienne Rivera, and their team have spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 9 colleges and universities, and 7+ intermediate, middle, and high schools, in more than 8 different cities.


Highland Community College

Hope at the gathering has been nothing but family for me. Going away from home and not knowing what to expect was something I worried about before arriving at highland. The moment I started going to Hope at the Gathering Pastor O welcomed me and treated me like his own blood. Not only that, but he’s spreading the Word of God, and teaching us about our Lord and Savior.


Highland Community College

Hope at the Gathering made me realize how to put God first and believe in him more, and was a safe to go when I missed family or just wanted to be seen. Hope at the gathering gives you a purpose and it made my college experience better than I ever expected it to be. It helped me get through some really tough times. I miss it everyday it made me feel good about myself and made me want to keep going every time. You get a good word and play games and get to be closer with Jesus. Hope at the gathering really was an experience I will never forget. It’s a place you can go to without getting judged or looked at different. It taught me how to open up and get closer with people and let people in.



Hope at the gathering has been nothing but family for me. Going away from home and not knowing what to expect was something I worried about before arriving at highland, but the moment I started going to hope at the gathering Pastor O welcomed me in a treated me like his own blood. Not only that but he’s spreading the Word of God, and teaching us about our Lord and Savior.




Because of HATG my life has changed dramatically in many different ways. I am now free from the hurt and pain from being molested early childhood. It also taught me the importance of tithe and offering. Since becoming a faithful giver, God has always provided everything i needed.




Hope at the Gathering made me realize how to put God first and believe in him more, and was a safe to go when I missed family or just wanted to be seen. Hope at the Gathering gives you a purpose and it made my college experience better than I ever expected it to be. It helped me get through some really tough times. I miss it everyday it made me feel good about myself and made me want to keep going every time. You get a good word and play games and get to be closer with Jesus. Hope at the Gathering really was an experience I will never forget. It’s a place you can go to without getting judged or looked at different. It taught me how to open up and get closer with people and let people in.



lincoln university missouri

Hope at the Gathering has changed my college experience by allowing for me to connect more with fellow Christ followers. Just to be able to sit with other students and talk about God is a blessing. We get to continue to just build each other up on our walk with Christ.


bible study

This coed Bible study group is a setting in which students build relationships with one another, discuss life issues (as they relate to the message of the night), and are encouraged to revisit the teachings of Jesus outside of the session. Questions, real-life experiences, and testimonials are encouraged during this session in order to apply the content to daily life.

college tour

A series of campus visits in which the selected tour team (consisting of praise and worship singers and musicians, the lead pastor, and campus facilitators) executes a night of worship, testimonies, and the presentation of the Gospel message by the lead pastor. They will also conduct Hope At the Gathering the next day to engage students in fun activities, discuss making the choice to follow Christ on campus, and make connections to maintain meaningful relationships and accountability after the tour team has completed the visit. The ultimate goal is for students attending the tour to desire an active HATG campus plant for their college/university.

college plant

An established campus assembly/registered student organization. Through weekly gatherings and individual follow ups (Sunday Service, Co-Ed whole group assemblies, small, gender-specific connect groups, nights of praise and worship, community service efforts, and whole group community outings), this campus plant is designed to encourage students to follow the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives, and become actively involved in using their gifts to serve on campus and in a local church community. This component of Faith Walkers Outreach aims to build and funnel young, equipped, energetic college students to continue the work of spreading the Gospel by devoting themselves to service in the local church and community.

her faith

The women's connect group of Hope At the Gathering. With a focus on women and their unique way of viewing the Gospel, marriage, character, self-worth, purpose and other topics, this group serves as a safe place for ladies to discuss topics that may not be relevant or appropriate in a co-ed setting. Her Faith emphasizes the woman’s new life in Christ, dispelling any former means of self-definition the students may have come to the group with. This group serves as reinforcement for the teachings at the main Hope At the Gathering Bible study and gathers once a month.

mens fireside

The men’s connect group of Hope at the Gathering. It focuses on men and their unique way of viewing the Gospel, marriage, character, self-worth, purpose and other topics. This group serves as a safe place for men to discuss topics that may not be relevant or appropriate in a co-ed setting. Men’s Fireside emphasizes the man’s new life in Christ, dispelling any former means of self-definition the students may have come to the group with. Men’s Fireside serves as reinforcement for the teachings at the main Hope At the Gathering Bible study and gathers once a month.


These less structured settings provide the time and space for the Hope at the Gathering family to engage in meals and fun activities outside of campus. Relationships are central to accountability and growth in the faith. Outings build trust within the HATG community and allow students and HATG Core teams to bond outside of bible-centered discourse. Students are allowed to showcase their personalities, interests, skills, commonalities, and differences in these spaces.

worship nights

A space provided once a month for students to participate in corporate praise and worship. The aim is to have built relationships with students who are also musicians, allowing them to express their love for Jesus through musicianship. The space is open to passersby as well, and is dedicated to singing, prayer, and fellowship.

midweek prayer

In a public setting, students gather in corporate prayer to pray over their campus and any pressing issues in their own lives and communities. The discipline of prayer is emphasized here, as well as the expectation of proof when God’s word is spoken back to him in faith. This, like Hope At the Gathering, creates space for testimonies, which will encourage more prayer and yield more proof. Students are prompted to invite others to prayer who may not even associate with Hope At the Gathering. This component alone strengthens student camaraderie and promotes oneness across campus. The aim is for prayer to become a pillar of the institution itself. The HATG Core team should prayerfully expect midweek prayer to reach everyone from the students and professors to janitors and administrators.

community outreach

While students are being transformed by the Gospel message, built up in the teachings of Jesus, and consistently engaging in fellowship with their HATG family, they are challenged to put their new life to action through service to the community. Students who gravitate toward helping children and families are encouraged to join the HATG team as they frequently travel to local communities to meet the needs of families and children. This is the stage on which students’ understanding of the teachings of Christ will shine.

highland community college

college plant promo

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